Flash visit to Weimar Christmas

"Weimarer Weihnacht" - More than just a Christmas market: It winds romantically through the entire old town. Every square has its own market, every alley an experience. Experience the illuminated romantic old town

Photo: Thomas Mueller, weimar GmbH

Inclusive services
  • 2 days / 1 night incl. Breakfast
  • 1x dinner in the Sächsischer Hof restaurant with local specialties
  • Tea specialities in the afternoon and evening at the hotel
  • 1 x entrance to the Stadtmuseum – museum dedicated to the history of Weimar with many paintings, artefacts and exhibitions
  • 1 x admission to the ACC Galerie – an international studio programme and cultural centre in the heart of Weimar
  • 1x Insiderflyer of Weimar as a small travel guide and coffee to go for the departure

Night from Sunday:

Price: 75 EUR per person in double room/ night

95 EUR in single room/ night

Desired date:

Price: 85 EUR per person in a double room/night

110 EUR in a single room/night

Extra nights at the list price.

Valid until December 22, 2023 and subject to availability

Photo: Thomas Mueller, weimar GmbH




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